Thursday, January 25, 2018

Over the river and through the woods... to Grandmother's house we go

Today we are heading to the my loves's parents house. I love going there. We get to see the family, relax, and enjoy the peace of not living off the main road. Not to mention that the pups love to run in the yard. At our tiny location they have to stay on leads and can't run. No fun for them.
I am so glad that we get this chance to be abe to see Bean's grandparents, sister and nieces. She learned to really walk the last time we were there. I wonder what else she will learn this time. The four hour trek across Florida is nothing too special. No sights to see. Lots of restrooms though. What should take us around four hours can sometimes take us up to six depending on if Bean's is awake or the dogs decide to have tiny bladders.
We usually drive in silence when My Man drives. No music to be heard. Talking only when there is a corny joke to tell or to try and prounce a city's name. As for me, when I get behind the wheel... the music comes on, the laughing starts and the corny jokes are even worse.
Welcome to our road trip.
P.S Don't forget the snacks or drinks next time.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Out with a Bang...In with the flu

Well the first four days of 2018 have really been great... NOT!
We ended the year with everyone in our household sick. This cold/flu bug has attached itself to us and dug it's heels in for the long haul. Beans has had it the worst. Poor Baby girl has the hacking cough, runny nose and on off fever. She falls asleep randomly while she is eating. Cries everytime we wipe her nose. Wakes up in the middle of the night with a plugged nose (like a dam on the outside of her nose). Her wimpers while she sleeps just breaks me in two.
We haven't really left the house in a week except to pick up meds and fluids.
We supposedly got snow the other night but by the time we came outside to let the pupps out, there was none.

Well let's hope that the next week brings my New Years wishes for Health, Prosperity and Peace. So far... not even close. :)