Friday, April 12, 2013


I went to see the documentary last night called "Stuck". It's about International Adoption and the countries that are holding their children, well basically for no better word then, HOSTAGE. I will grant that sometimes it is not on purpose. When United Nations changes the requirements for International Adoption and then requires that if you (the foreign country) are going to keep allowing your children to be adopted then you have to implement all these brand new rules and you don't have the means to do it... What else do you do but take those children "hostage" and not allow the adoptions to go through.

My co-workers and I went to the movie almost dreading it due to we have had some hard times recently with some of the issues that they talk about in the movie. The PROCESS of International Adoption getting longer and sometimes it coming to a stand still.

I was moved to tears by the rawness of the film, families that were represented, the living situation of the children and just the inhumanity sometimes of leadership in the government. I wanted to shake my fist at the screen and scream "HOW DARE YOU KEEP THE CHILD!!". But that is just me and my over sensitivity. :) 

I was so moved that I purchased the movie right as I walked out the door of the theater. I, also,  signed the below petition:

Conservative estimates say more than 10 million children around the world live outside a family setting, in institutions or on the street. In reality, that number may be much higher.
Adoptions into the U.S. have fallen by more than 60 percent since 2004, due in large part to a broken system filled with delays, bureaucracy, discrimination and staggering costs. In the meantime, children are suffering.
The President of the United States
The U.S. Senate
The U.S. House of Representatives
Leaders of all world governments
Directors of international child welfare organizations
We believe every child has the right to a permanent loving family.
We find it intolerable that millions of children all over the world live without family care.
We embrace international adoption as a worthy and effective way to honor every child's right to a family.

We demand change NOW and call upon:

The President of the United States, Members of Congress and the Secretary of State:
- To...
We believe every child has the right to a permanent loving family.
We find it intolerable that millions of children all over the world live without family care.
We embrace international adoption as a worthy and effective way to honor every child's right to a family.

We demand change NOW and call upon:

The President of the United States, Members of Congress and the Secretary of State:
- To establish the United States as an effective, proactive champion for every child's right to a permanent loving family, and
-To remove barriers to international adoption.

Leaders of all world governments and directors of international child welfare organizations:
-To prioritize the need to find permanent loving families for orphaned, abandoned and relinquished children as a basic human right, and
-To support international adoption as an appropriate and viable solution for children living outside of family care.
[Your name]

If you want to join the movement or sign the petition please go to the link below!

Let's get these babies home to families that are waiting.

Watch the trailer below. I bought the movie and it was well worth the $14.99.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Put My Big Girl Panties On....Deal With It!

So I have spent the last month and a half putting on my big girl panties one leg at a time.

I have been in my new apartment, by my self, since mid February.

Waking up, cooking breakfast, coming home to an empty home, cooking dinner, doing dishes, paying bills and taking care of business.

I have spent a couple lonely nights wondering if I did the right thing....The answer is YES! I have to learn to stand on my own two feet. It has been hard. I have had to use will power not to go hiding my head in the sand when I blow my budget on food and don't know if my gas tank is gonna need filled before my next paycheck. Or if I am going  to have enough money in my paycheck to cover all my bills and rent after having been sick and off work. But the answer is yes.

Why yes? Because I have to have faith that my needs will be supplied for. I have to stand on scripture "MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL MY NEEDS..."

SOOOOO as I wake up in the morning...
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I cook breakfast
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I drive to work
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I shuffle the 1000s of papers on my desk
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I come home to an empty house
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I cook dinner
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I curl up in my bed at night and listen to the sounds in my house
 "My God shall supply all my needs"
As I close my eyes to sleep
 "My God shall supply all my needs"

Do you have your big girl panties on yet?